[W8lrc] Tonight's LARC meeting ZOOM information.

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 17 03:39:31 UTC 2023

Just a note:

I won't be on the air, or even outside of the "Commonwealth Retirement" on 3956 Whispering Way in Grand Rapid.

I'm going down with mental problems, and no... I'm not going to live as long as I thought, as my sister, who knows a LOT about brains, told me a few days ago last week that I'll be living there in the smallest part; I'm one of the people iin the "retirement" whose brains are going.

She knew my brain was going down some years ago, and (in her business) knew my brains were going faster than I could imagine and (even though  I had thought to bring in some people to (for a fourth time)  to get my house in better shape, I was but all too late; my sis  basically told the the people who bought the property in Ada (8165 Bennett St SE) to do whatever they wanted to with whatever they wanted. 

So... IF the people who stole my computer didn't take the gear in my bedroom, there could be some working Ham Radio stuff -- and in the garage, a LOT of working or possibly working Ham radios that might be taken for very little to fix. 

The BARN in back is FULL of antennas etc. Get there early enough and they might let you take all the antennas in the barn, too.

If she'd told me earlier... but she didn't.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Amelar <jamelar at yandex.com>
Sent: Mar 16, 2023 9:51 AM
To: LARC <w8lrc at w8lrc.org>
Subject: [W8lrc] Tonight's LARC meeting ZOOM information.

Topic: LARC - March Business Meeting
Time: Mar 16, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 7031 7915
Passcode: 858221
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89470317915#,,,,*858221# US (Chicago)
Of course, in person as well:
Lowell Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting, third Thursday, March 16, 6:30 PM social, 7PM meeting. All are welcome.
Flat River Outreach Ministries, 11535 Fulton St E (HWY M-21), Lowell
Map: https://g.page/FROMlowell?share
http://www.w8lrc.org https://www.facebook.com/w8lrc/ 145.27-(94.8Hz)
NOTE: The weekly Thursday Open Radio Room has resumed, same as meeting time, all welcome.

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