[W8lrc] March LARC meeting Thursday 19, Hamvention canceled, LET'S DO A MORLEY SITE CLEANUP INSTEAD!

Jack Amelar jamelar at yandex.com
Mon Mar 16 10:27:49 EDT 2020

Lowell Amateur Radio Club (LARC-W8LRC) monthly meeting, third Thursday, March 19, 6:30 PM social, 7PM meeting.
As of this writing, F.R.O.M. building is still open and the LARC meeting is on.
For anyone uncomfortable about attending the meeting, all I can say is don't.
All are welcome. Pizza provided.
At the “Shack” in the Flat River Outreach Ministries (F.R.O.M) Building, 11535 Fulton St E (Hwy M-21), Lowell, just west of the Lowell Meijer. Open Radio Room on the other Thursdays, 7PM.
http://www.w8lrc.org https://www.facebook.com/w8lrc/ Map: https://goo.gl/maps/9e7G2FVkriJ2 145.27-(94.8Hz)

Most, if not all, reading this have heard the sad news by now that Hamvention(r) has been Canceled for 2020. This is posted on their website

SO HERE'S AN IDEA, since a significant number of us suddenly have that weekend open, let's do what is long over due,
MORLEY SITE CLEANUP, Saturday, May 16. If you have a motorhome, travel trailer, van, tent, teepee, whatever, come out Friday or Thursday (the May LARC meeting is the following Thursday) and stay as long as you like. After all, for those planning on Hamvention, you already scheduled the time off.
We can discuss this further at Thursday's meeting.

73 Jack NY8D

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